from the mind of critic-9/8/17

From the mind of critic: “If 2 different paths meet, do they intersect, or are they strangers passing in the night? Do paths inherently change because of environment and politics, let alone other paths which influence it’s direction and purpose? Do paths wear blinders by moving at the same speed, and in the same direction, no matter the stimuli? Do paths guide themselves, or do the people traveling them determine their destiny? The paths we travel can zig-zag, fork, paraleel, detour, influence and be influenced, and that’s only the paths within our journey. Once we realize that the other 7 billion people on earth travel multiple paths as well, we’ll see our paths will always intersect and influence others, and vice versa. We influence and get influenced, that’s just how the world works. The more we pay attention, the more control we’ll have. The more control we have, the more we’ll realize that we can’t control everything, except our reactions. As long as we keep the good and leave the bad, it won’t matter how often our paths cross. In fact, the more our paths meet, the more opportunities we’ll have to build each other up, and isn’t that the point of everything?” 🙂