from the mind of critic-9/5/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’re consciously and confidently journeying on our path toward enlightenment, but take a few side trails toward the darkness, how do we find our way back to the light? Do we remember we started in the darkness, and left it behind by entering the light? Do we feel like, well since we blew it, we might as well really blow it, and make the darkness our permanent home? We all stray from our path from time to time, it is a very human thing to not be perfect. Once we realize no matter how much light (friends, family, love gratitude) surrounds us, darkness (sabotage, self-doubt, ignorance, self-pity and chasing the dragon of known fleeting happiness) will always be there, we’ll see that the more we defend against darkness with love and gratitude, the shorter our turn around time will be. Blinders aren’t a cure for getting side tracked, love and gratitude are the cure we can access anytime.” 🙂