from the mind of critic-9/2/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’ve boiled down what we want to three things, do we organize our routine so we acheive those three things? Is our life easier, because we know where to steer our actions? Is our life harder, because we only want to go after our three things, neglecting everything else? Can we find a happy medium, where going after our three things doesnt make us neglect anything else, but enhances what’s really worth our time? Many of us struggle to discover what we’re passionate about, that when we finally do discover it, we’re so exhausted that we stay static. The key, is that discovery is only the first step, then comes planning and action. Once we realize that the true meaning of “life is a journey”, is that we set our sights on what we want, then move consciously forward, we’ll see that we can achieve our goals by negating any actions that aren’t our three things, but to enjoy our journey, we can’t wear blinders, but see panorama. We might really want success, to leave a mark and to find love, but the only thing we can guarantee is failure if we don’t take advantage of conscious effort and passion. Is there anything we could be more grateful for, then discovering and then going after what makes our soul sing?” 🙂