from the mind of critic-8/31/17

From the mind of critic: “With all the darkness and dense fog that covers our road ahead, how do we move forward? Do we go balls to the wall, plowing forward at breakneck speed without regard for safety? Does the fog make us choose a different route, but since the fog is covering all routes, we just sit stagnet? Is there a middle ground, where we move forward with determination, but strategically, so we get where we want to go, but don’t hurt ourselves or others in the process? The 24-7 365 deluge of mis-information we endure, can fog over any path forward we choose, the key word being CAN. Once we realize that our critically thinking mind and loving and kind soul are our fog lights, we’ll see that no matter how dense the fog is, we can always move forward, if we choose to move forward. Fog only exists as an impediment, if we allow it to fog over our humanity.” 🙂