from the mind of critic-8/30/17

From the mind of critic: “If we all band together during a natural disaster, regardless of previous biases, why does it die off after the intitial response? Do we feel the disaster got us out of our spiteful, vitriolic and divisive routine, but now that the initial shock is over, we must get back to our normal lives, which includes a vitrolic, spieful and divisive routine? Do we get stuck in hyper-survival mode, where we help somebody, because we know that 10 minutes later, they could be saving our life? Whether natural, political, financial, or lab or focus group created, disasters can be a great unifier. When all the chips are down, our humanity returns, otherwise the emotional disaster would take us all down. Once we realize that some people’s chips are down whether or not there’s a disaster, we’ll see that if we can pick up signs and symbols of people hurting, before 130 mph winds and 50 inches of rain flood us out of our house, we wouldn’t need a disaster to remind us of our humanity. Animosity, ignorance, jealousy, spitefulness and hate dissappears when helping others, because we’re actually helping ourselves.” 🙂