from the mind of critic-8/26/17

From the mind of critic: “If stereotypes are based on false assumptions, is it those false assumptions that cause the ignorant vitriol plaguing our politics? Is every member of a certain group all one way or all another, never deviating from a pre-thought out plan for how a race, culture or religion can be controlled? Are we all different and unique snowflakes, but get jealous of others who seem more successful, more content, and are taking everything from us on their climb to the top? None of us know everything in the world, nor could our delicate minds contain everything in the universe. When we don’t know something or somebody, why do we get scared and feel less than because of ingrained messages we’ve been told all our lives? As humans, we all want to be as comfortable as possible. Once we realize that our comfort isn’t acheived when others feel discomfort, but when we all feel comfort, we’ll see that stereotypes only fuel the division of our species, and the few crumbs the elites allow us to have. How about we all unite, and decide what few crumbs we’ll allow the elites to have? How about we stop fighting each other, and stand up against a system that’s keeping us all down?” 🙂