from the mind of critic-8/23/17

From the mind of critic: “Is our stepladder to success already layed out when we start our journey, or are steps added as we move forward? If our ladder is waiting for us, with pre-designed steps toward a pre-determined outcome, who does the determining and what’s their motivation? If the skeleton of our ladder is waiting for us, without steps and pointed toward the unknown, how do we build steps and ensure their authenticity? We all have the opportunity to journey down infinite paths, headed in infinite directions. Sometimes these paths have step by step instructions, sometimes they have instructions in non particular order. Sometimes there aren’t instructions at all, but signs and symbols that could lead us in the direction of writing our own instructions. Most of the time, not only are there no directions, but no visible path and darkness all around. Whether our path is visible or not, once we realize that the unknown isn’t scary, but new and intriguing, we’ll see we always want to create our own path to success, by coming up with concrete steps that work for us, not pre-formulated and focus grouped steps that somebody else think will work for us. Stepladders can be scary when we have to build steps as we climb, but are much sturdier in the long run.” 🙂