from the mind of critic-8/19/17

From the mind of critic: “Do we kill violence with more violence, or do we kill peace with violence? Do we kill peace with more peace, or do we kill violence with peace? Do we even know why we get mad at somebody for being different? We can get rageful out of nowhere, or it can slowly build. if our only reason for getting angry is that a group of people are taking everything from us, when stats will show “that group of people” had everything taken from them, by those taking from us all, then we only have our gullibility to blame for our high blood pressure. Violence breeds violence, and peace breeds peace. Whether it be a single person, a group, rally or march, we kill violence and peace by doing the opposite. It might take a lot of peace, to squash the violence that doesn’t want to relinquish power after hundreds of years, but we have a lot of peace that simply needs to be awoken. We just have to ask ourselves, if we we’re willing to show up in massive enough numbers, so that peace can be on full display.” 🙂