from the mind of critic-8/9/17

From the mind of critic: “When we’re told we can be all we can be in the army, does it make us believe it’s the only way we can be all we can be? Does it instill in us the fact that we’re not good enough, that there’s no possible way we can make our own personal, spiritual, physical and mental selves better than the army can? Do we believe the army knows us better than we know ourselves? Do we belive that an outside organization can remove the roadblocks we’ve personally put in place of our positive forward progress? No matter the color of our skin, the size of our bank account, the langauge we speak or who we choose to love, we’re all looking for happiness, and we’re all looking to make sense out of the chaos. We do that by learning who we are, what we want and what will motivate us to get there. Once we learn these personal facts, we’ll see that only we can change ourselves, because only we truly know ourselves. If somebody says we can only reach our true potential through them, they’re praying on our laziness, and reliance on instant gratication. The army might be able to make us all we can be, but so can literally everything else depending on our perception. We must not be afraid of hard work now, so we can have a joyful soul later. We become better, only when we allow ourselves to be better.” 🙂