from the mind of critic-7/12/17

From the mind of critic: “When swimming in a cold river, do we start by dipping our toes in to test the temperature? Do we walk in slowly till the water hits our thighs, while we decide whether we want to jump in or not? Do we feel how cold the water is from the moment it touches our skin? Do we know that if we’re ever going to swim, we have to say screw being uncomfortable in the short run, so we can end up being comfortable doing what we want in the long run? Life can be dark and cold, where all hopes and dreams get swallowed up by the necessity to survive. Life can also be a light and warm place, where all hopes and dreams get lifted up by the necessity to survive? Our perception determines how dark life seems. We must remember it doesn’t have to be dark, only unknown. Once we realize the results of miving forward are always unknown beforehand, we’ll see that our speed of entering life’s journey, is based on our passion for enjoying how good life can be. The water is always cold before we enter it, the length of time the coldness sticks around, is based on our willingness to swim.” 🙂