from the mind of critic-7/13/17

From the mind of critic: “If we all know one of the biggest problems we have with garbage is packaging materials, how come we keep buying certain products specifically because of the packaging? Is it bright colors, celebrity endorsements or alleged health benefits displayed that pull us in, regardless of what’s actually in the box? Are we afraid to buy products that don’t look fancy but work better, because we don’t want to be seen using them? We all flock to bright colors and flashing lights because we’re human, and they attract our gaze. Whether it be people, places, events or interactions, if we’re so enamored with physical appearance, hype and rhetoric that truth flies out the window, we’ll be plied with the worst kind of phony filler to keep us satiated. Once we realize for truth in advertising to be effective, we can’t glaze over when it comes time to ask critical questions, we’ll see that being distracted, duped and gullible are reactions we have complete control over, once we slow down to comprehend the reality on the ground. The volume of packaging materials goes up when we’re complacent and apathetic, and goes down when we’re conscious and kind. We’re implored to ask which way will help us collectively evolve.” 🙂