from the mind of critic-3/25/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’re playing a board game whether we want to or not, do we roll the dice to see how many squares we move forward? Are we scared to move at all, for fear that our move won’t turn out the way we wanted? Do we choose not to roll because although we won’t move forward, we’re guaranteed to not move backward? Or do we roll the dice with fear, but since excitement overshadows that fear, we roll with gusto because although we may lose, we know we can’t win if we don’t play the game? Life is a game now and has always been a game, whether we want to admit it or not. This game involves risks that we can choose to take or not, and consequences that follow. Sometimes we even have goals, hopes and dreams that will make our life brighter if acheived. Once we realize that they can only be acheived if we take risks by getting out of our comfort zone, and reminding our soul we still have the ability to surprise ourselves, we’ll see that until we take that risk, that until we take that step into the dark tunnel specifiically so we can reach the light on the other side, we’ll be forever be staring down a dark hole with no way out. Life might be a game or a gamble, but if we don’t roll the dice to move forward, we’ll never move anywhere” 🙂