from the mind of critic-3/24/17

From the mind of critic: “If the streets are wet with pouring rain, do we adjust our driving speed accordingly? Do we slow down and put 2 hands on the wheel, but keep driving forward, realizing we can still get where we want to go, even if it takes longer to get there? Do we continue driving the same speed, with the same one hand on the wheel, because being relaxed is the best way to get where we want to go? Or do we speed up, and swerve around people and cars as the rain falls harder, specifically because of a determination nothing is gonna slow us down, and by speeding up we’re showing the rain that it ain’t nothing, but motivation to get where we want to go? The road we end up traveling out of the infinite number of roads, will always feature road blocks placed by us and the outside world, as well as ruts, dips, and all sorts of baked in atitudes fueled by generations of uncritical thinkers. The path we choose will determine our thoughts, feelings and actions, while those same thoughts, feelings and actions will determine what path we choose. Once our decision is made even if it’s made by indecision, we must move forward if we want to grow. If we don’t move forward, we’re still growing, but in the wrong direction. Once we realize that moving forward is for our highest good, We’ll see that whatever speed we’re traveling at, the rain will try to run us off the road, making us swerve, and spin until we forget what direction we were traveling in. We may have to adjust our speed, but the only thing that can change our direction, is us. We can either slow down and have success, or we can speed up and possibly be run off the road. Adapting to our environment, is how we evolve” 🙂