from the mind of critic-3/4/17

From the mind of critic: “Are the reasons we can’t unite as numerous as the reasons we can? Are these excuses we tell ourselves so we don’t have to take action? Do we view un-unifying reasons as understandable because they’re fewer, and have been baked into our culture for generations? Do we view unifying reasons also as understandable, but know their numbers reach infinite proportions, which makes it difficult to choose between them, causing an overwhelming sense of hopelessness to be baked in over generations? Or do we feel like the notion of “it is what it is” is a false narrative, because those of us who have seen injustice and atrocities with the way things are, have risen up and made positive change, basically flipping around the way things are? Excuses are like assholes just like politicians are like diapers, they’re not only full of shit, they explode all over people around them, infecting every living soul in some way if they go unchecked. We must constantly ask ourselves why we feel the way we do, and whether we’re purposefully stopping progress because it seems so big and intimidating. The fact is, that new, unknown and unfamiliar concepts can be scary. However, we must also ask ourselves why they’re scary, and would we rather do the same old thing even though we know it’s detrimental, but is comfortable because we know it. Once we realize that the reasons we can unite vastly outnumber the reasons we can’t, we’ll see that we can unite around most things, we just have to allow ourselves to. We need to stop being our own worst enemy, and start being our own biggest cheerleader” 🙂