from the mind of critic-3/3/17

From the mind of critic: “If the highway of life is jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive, is it the person that believes they’re broken, or society? Is it society itself that deems them a hero, or is it themselves? Who praytell determines that the last chance is really the last chance, which guages how much power is used? Or it basically that all our personal struggles are part of the bigger struggle, and is a great example of no matter how much we believe differently from each other which we think divides us, actually proves we’re on the same side of the same collective coin which is the human species? Ultimately we determine our destiny, with varying degrees of influence from the outside world depending on our family, history, environment, culture, ethnicity or time period lived. While being a hero consists of a deed or an event that involves the outside world, it is us who decides whether the challenges and adversity we face has broken us. We also determine whether it’s our last chance, by deciding whether to give up or not when we have no energy left, or to give up and use every ounce of power we feel in our bones, specifically because we think it’s our last chance. Once we realize this struggle we endure makes us think it’s unique and only happening to us, but is really happening to us all, we’ll see that it’s never our last chance, and we’re never broken until we say we are. The highway of life is jammed, but only because we’re searching for joy, fulfillment and truth all at the same time” 🙂