from the mind of critic: 3/21/20


From the mind of critic: “If there’s nothing to fear but fear itself, is panic simply us not acknowledging this fact? Does rational thinking disappear from our lexicon, when we aren’t courageous enough, to not only remember what really matters when the shit hits the fan, but acting on it? Does recognizing the fear highlight its validity, opening the door in our minds, that to achieve the something better we’ve always dreamed of, we don’t have to pretend nothing scares or worries us, but see that what really matters, is to allow the true beauty of humanity to prove, that we are worthy, and have always had the power? To practice what we preach, we have to actually preach something. I’m not talking about false prophets trying to make a buck, or faux spouting to others, to we get the fleeting happiness of being better than somebody else. I’m talking about slowing down long enough, to realize our chaotic situation, really isn’t. Why you may ask? Because the fear we’ve built up, is what drives chaos. If we act more out of fear, darkness throws humanity out the window. If we act more out of love and truth, humanity is illuminated by letting fear dissipate, into a pool of lessons learned, before being dried off in the satisfaction of doing what we thought was impossible, but proved to ourselves, we are destined for greatness. Fear isn’t fake, its control over our decision-making process is. Self-love will save us, when we start to get the full picture of what love really means. Fear doesn’t prevent love, our reactions to it do.”

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