from the mind of critic: 3/19/20


From the mind of critic: If it takes a worldwide pandemic to illuminate our society’s deficiencies, (basically what any honest and critically thinking person has been screaming about for generations) then is it possible, that through the worst of all possibilities, we can finally let go of our shit, and unite around our human commonalities, so we can fix what we’ve always known is easy, and only hard at the same time, because we didn’t have the courage to stand up for what we believed in, instead of voting for the lesser of two evils, ensuring things would never change? We’re all dealing with a very strange time, and none of us really know what’s going to happen. May all of us learning, understanding, and realistically applying that fact to our daily life, finally explode the ultimate roadblock to our unification. What do you say, lets light the fuse together.”

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