from the mind of critic: 3/22/20


From the mind of critic: “If crying wolf invites false emergencies, does vigilant love invite enlightenment? Does paying attention through the rose-colored glasses of gratitude and truth, allow roadblocks to implode, under the intense pressure of its gaslighting intent? Does the mere discovery of fakeness introduce realness, or must we act to balance the scales? If we want to make positive, systemic change, discovery is simply that, an event we can either ignore, stay neutral, or act on. To decipher which is which, we must act with self-love, so we know who we are, and where we’re coming from. Then once we understand our perspective and perceptions, and how they constantly evolve as long as we’re open enough to know, we really don’t know everything, and never will, we can observe, hypothesize, and visualize the lessons passing by. This allows us to learn what we’re supposed to learn, not so the path forward becomes obvious and forever illuminated, but so we have the courage to move forward within the unknown, with the knowledge that we all have love, truth and gratitude in our soul; just some of us need help in uncovering it. Seeking truth requires effort, but it allows us to be saturated in deep seeded joy. Once we realize we’re all in this together, unification will take place, because we’ll have finally proven to ourselves, that all our separate and unique paths, really are headed to the same, universal place.”

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