from the mind of critic: 9/30/19


From the mind of critic: “If true self love, means loving ourselves, specifically so we can love others, not in spite, which makes it the key to righteous revolution, then why don’t more of us see the linkages? How come so many of us, want to do so many things, but forget the one thing, that will stop the endless cycle, of two steps forward, one step back? Does the sheer volume of collective pain that deserves our attention, overwhelm us to the point of inaction? Do we view all that’s going on outside, and burn in our soul for something to change, but lack the voice, courage, and self-esteem, to stand up and say, enough is enough? Do we then forcefully act, so our words don’t ring hollow; all because we don’t love ourselves enough to believe, that we deserve success? First of all, we matter. We count, and no matter what skin tone, gender, religion, orientation, or financial status we’re at, we’re all humans who yearn to love, and be loved. Once we love ourselves, we’ll see brighter light than we thought possible, blanket the earth with the one thing, that will get its inhabitants to stop fighting each other, love.  Positive and conscious evolution happen, when we love ourselves. We realize, one person can change the world, when we stop telling ourselves, we can’t.”.

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