from the mind of critic: 9/29/19

From the mind of critic: “If the answer to most questions, is think, how do we get our mind right, so uplifting thoughts, morph into positive decisions, and then positive actions, without being weighed down by personal bullshit? Do we learn from others, and see what worked for them, knowing that copying them invites failure, but taking the good, and leaving the bad, invites success? Do we do the inner work, that we’ve been avoiding as long as we can remember, because we know hard realizations, really fucking suck sometimes, but are vital in truthfully, and authentically moving forward? Is it actually a multistep process, when we not only have to learn how to think, but how to keep positive thoughts flowing, so we physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually understand, that truly loving ourselves, is the basis for conscious evolution? Getting our mind right, is not only how we accomplish everything we set out to do, but how we use failures as lessons, because it’s not that we’re okay with failing, we just don’t fall apart at the slightest hint of adversity. Will we be perfect at it? Hell no. However, knowing that practice doesn’t make perfect, it makes better, helps us understand that life is a journey, where we have to expect the unexpected. How pray tell do we prepare? We keep an open mind, and what’s the key in keeping an open mind, getting our mind right. This proves to our soul, what’s actually important, not what appears to be. This whole process can seem daunting, but is the key, to not only our personal success, but success in the critical mass needed, to transform our government into an authentic, representative democracy. It all starts with loving ourselves. Try it. It’s easy, and feels good too. That good feeling, is the fuel for positive change.”

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