from the mind of critic-2/1/19

From the mind of critic:   “When the light breaks through the darkness, do we get scared of the exquisite colors displayed? Does the vibrancy shock us with its sudden arrival, making us believe it’ll be gone just as quick? Have we lived with darkness for so long, while simultaneously asking for light, we believe it must be a hoax? Why would it suddenly show up? Is it not the light itself we fear, but living with the light, because it flips our world with monumental change? Are we not afraid of light, because although it only stays for a short time, we know the more we recognize it for what it is (just a beautiful moment among many), the more often it shows up? Darkness can be all encompassing by surrounding us in its negativity, while making us feel comfortable because it’s always there and we can count on it. This is when our rut becomes chiseled, so when light does poke through, we negate it because we’re not used to its positive effects. We believe its temporary status is simply a tease, whose soul lifting effects must be meant for somebody else. However, the same could be said for the reverse. Darkness can also be seen as not real because of its periodic nature. The issue comes when we’re wrapped in light and think darkness can’t affect us. This is when darkness builds its power for its major attack. Once we realize we’re never all light or dark, or that not all light is good and all dark is bad, we’ll see that definitions don’t really matter, and as long as we treat each other like we’d like to be treated, don’t piss in the sandbox, and remember to share, we’ll probably be okay. We need not fear the light or the dark, only when we refuse to see. Change can be hard, but becomes softer when we’re open to its positive, and closed to its negative. Light may only poke through for a second, but that second lasts an eternity when we inhale its beautiful significance. Being comfortable doesn’t make us fearless, it makes us ignorant if we reuse to stand up.”:)

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