from the mind of critic: 1/20/19

From the mind of critic: “If the secret to life is our personal version of deep seeded joy, how do we find it? Easy, we stay open and it finds us.”

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from the mind of critic: 1/19/19

From the mind of critic: “If we’re upset about everything we don’t have, do we grow more upset when we find there’s much more we didn’t have than previous thought? Do we find we’re less further along with more information, or do we take in what happens, but instead of angering us over what we lack, we become grateful for everything we do have? Gratitude takes practice, it’s not a skill we’re born with. It must be honed, challenged, and adjusted after every experience and event we open our eyes to take in. However, the same could be said for anger of lack, jealousy builds over time as our mind mutates what’s actually happening. Once we realize that being grateful for what we have doesn’t mean taking pleasure in other’s pain, but knowing that no matter how bad we view our situation, it can always be worse, we’ll see there is always more light than dark when we’re not only honest with our words and actions to the outside, but also within. The grass might be greener on the other side, but it can be browner as well. Knowing more things doesn’t cause a clog, it pushed the clog through. Being grateful means loving ourselves, warts and all. If we’re drowning in despair, loathing and jealousy, gratitude and joy are always our lifeboat.”

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube: @bryanradzin

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from the mind of critic: 1/18/19

From the mind of critic: “If looking in the mirror is the best first step in personal growth, are we afraid because taking that first step, means taking step after step from now until eternity? Does the sound of that long and fought journey make us believe we’ll never be successful, because we’ll never be able to muster the required energy? Are we simply afraid of looking inward, because then we’d have to question all our thoughts and actions, and if confronted by their full breadth, it would render us useless to perform life’s most ignorant tasks? Is it the steps we fear we’ll fail at, or is it a deep seeded fear of success, that once we pass our first test, then we’ll have to pass more and more, until we become so successful it’ll flip our world upside down, and away from that comfortable rut we’ve burrowed into? Introspection is difficult even if we’ve had practice, because even if we’ve done it before and think we have ourselves pegged, every time we look, we’ll see something different. Evolution of the earth, and of ourselves is happening whether we believe it or not. Depending on our perception, this constant change can bring fear nothing will ever be the same, or it can bring glimpses that it’ll be better than we ever imagined. How we look at ourselves in the mirror, determines how we view ourselves. The more love and gratitude we feel, the more we’ll show ourselves when introspection time comes. This will allow our guard to fall, and allow greater understanding to flow. Not all of this new understanding will be to our benefit, but the more gratitude we exude, the better our filter works to leave the bad and keep the good. Mirrors can be scary, but not more than never knowing who we truly are. It isn’t about having the most challenges or about being comfortable, but balancing so we know what each truly means when they appear. The more love we see inward, the more we’ll project outward. Failure and success are nothing to fear, in-action is. Ruts can be comfortable, but will bury us if we don’t keep moving forward.”

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube: @bryanradzin

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from the mind of critic: 1/17/19

From the mind of critic: “If we want a government of, by and for the people to not perish from the earth, what are we doing to ensure that? Are we standing up when something isn’t right, even when the government in power says otherwise, regardless of what party is in power, or which we belong to? Are we hounding our Congressperson, Senators and other elected officials to spend less than the current 70% of their day fundraising, and instead use it working on, voting and then passing bills and laws the majority of not only their constituents want, but the rest of the country as well? Do we work on our personal relationships with each other, so when government grows out of them and us, it’s more human by definition? If people power is what fuels this as of yet realized dream of a nation, is unification around what makes us human, how we take back our country from the inhuman self-destruction it’s on the precipice of? United we stand, divided we fall is not just a mantra from yesteryear, it spells out exactly what our problem is, and how to fix it. To have a true people powered government, the people must have power. The greatest trick we’ve gotten collectively pulled on us, is to be convinced we don’t have power. When governments have armed drones and nuclear bombs, spies, military, platoons of blood sucking lobbyists, as well as hordes or corporate and unnamed donors pulling their every string, it can be hard for the average person to see how we could ever best that. Once we realize that the all-knowing and all-powerful government is only able to portray its illusion of power because we acquiesced through ignorance, materialism and not seeing each other in ourselves, we’ll see that all we need to do to turn around this run-away freight train, is live our humanity for each other and ourselves, express love and gratitude for all the world’s beauty, and converge critical mass based on the 90% we agree on, not the 10% we don’t. Winston Churchill said Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others, is that because people power isn’t always pretty, but works in the end when people believe it can? The better we are to each other, the better our government will be to us. Critical mass works, because we really can do whatever we put our minds to. People power means working to our full potential, even if it’s currently unknown.”

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube: @bryanradzin

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from the mind of critic: 1/16/19

From the mind of critic: “If every door that closes opens another, do windows also open which point in all directions? When we walk through a new door, do we wear blinders in our forward progress, not paying attention to the windows on our side? Are these side windows a peer into all journeys going on alongside, which can disguise themselves as roadblocks, with the key word being can? Do the windows behind us give a clue to where we’ve been, and how far we’ve come, but at the same time can feed into our self-sabotage, the key word again being can? Are all these doors, windows and portals simply glimpses of what life has, is and could be, and have the ability to drive us both forward and/or backward in a positive or negative manner, depending on our perspective? Where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re trying to get are difficult enough to discover the significance of, without there being infinite variables; which depend on all our “natures” being unique snowflakes. The best we can do for ourselves is be open, but with a filter. We must be open to new experiences, that could not only broaden our horizons and grow our perspectives, but show and teach us the exact skills we’ve been asking for to conquer roadblocks. They can also not only decrease our horizons and shrink our perspectives, but also show us the exact skills that feed into our worst ignorance, nightmares and self-sabotage, making our roadblocks stronger and more impenetrable. So, what do we do to balance this out, and make the best decisions for our conscious evolution? We simply follow our hearts, take the good and leave the bad, and tread into the unknown without fear, that’s it. Windows and doors open all the time, it’s our job to choose the right one. Roadblocks are destroyed, when we can still surprise ourselves. Glimpses are only helpful, when we realize they’re only glimpses. All balance is, is realizing the symbiosis between our heart and mind.”

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube: @bryanradzin

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from the mind of critic: 1/15/19

From the mind of critic: “If we’ve grown used to overcoming challenges, and suddenly life becomes easier, do we believe we’re doing something wrong? Does the easing of hardships and adversity, make us feel less effort is required, which in turn leads us to less rewards? Have we grown so used to the downs, that when ups come, not only do we not buy into their authenticity, but feel more effort is required, because it must be a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Are we simply afraid of something that removes us from our comfortable rut, or are we just not used to hard work making life easier? Our journey, all journeys are roller coasters, filled with highs, lows and loop de loops. Similar to telling ourselves that no obstacle is to big to overcome, so to must we ingrain the idea, that making life harder when it doesn’t have to be won’t always hold us back, but can greatly delay our forward progress. Once we realize that the same effort to be beat back challenges, is the same that must be used to not make life more difficult, we’ll see our biggest enemy of progress whether during an up or down, is self-sabotage. Life is hard and easy, but take the same methods for being successful. Improving our station, means trusting the process wherever it leads. Being comfortable is okay, as long as we remember it’s not permanent. Ignorance is our enemy, whether in good moments or bad.”

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube: @bryanradzin

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from the mind of critic: 1/14/19

From the mind of critic: “If our path forward is constantly fogged over by indecision, how do we remove this roadblock? Do we take a jackhammer, and smash it to smithereens? Do we take dynamite, and blow it to bits? Do we use a fork life to move it to the side? Do we jump over it like a hurdler in a race, or do we just simply choose any one of these options, because it doesn’t matter how the roadblock is overcome, it just matters that it is? Beyond the obviously worldly chaos we’re collectively enduring at the moment, there are so many issues that require our attention, racism, sexism, ageism, militarism, persecution, unfair stereotypes, and ignorance are all meant to divide us int separate camps. Whether they pit us against each other on different sides of the same issue, or on separate issues battling each other for importance, many forces keep us from uniting. Being a passionate, conscious and down for the cause person gets us started, but when we view these division, subdivisions and subdivisions of sub divisions, our mind can quickly spin out of control. So many things require our attention, that how should we know where to put our energy, when all of them seem integral to our species and planets survival? This is when we have to slow down and realize that so many problems exist, that we couldn’t possibly fix them all. That to fix such a multi-pronged problem, we need a multi-pronged attack. All of us have talents and passions, which can be used in this attack. This leads us to believe that not only is it always better to do something than nothing, but that something is our part, while everyone else is doing theirs. Once we pick our thing, it’s vital we don’t separate from others doing their thing, but instead see how all things are interconnected, and have to work in unison to be successful. Indecision is overcome, by listening to our heart. The method of personal roadblock removal doesn’t matter, only the removal itself does. When united we not only stand, we flourish. Once we realize we all have rights to not be put down for having rights, we will evolve.”

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube: @bryanradzin

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from the mind of critic: 1/13/19

From the mind of critic: “If we truly believe there are only winners and losers, is it any wonder we have a collective problem of us versus them? Does separating us into those people and these people, help us realize that some humans aren’t people? Do wins and losses not have a clear definition, because neither does life? If we want guarantees, promises and oaths so we escape surprises along our journey, we’re allowing ignorant fear to hold us back. Remembering love isn’t all we need but where everything starts, deletes ignorant fear from our forward motion. Deletion of negativity, makes positivity possible.

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube: @bryanradzin

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from the mind of critic: 1/12/19

From the mind of critic: “If to solve problems we’re supposed to shed light on darkness, does fear prevent us from seeing what’s amidst the darkness? Does illuminating what we can’t see stir fear, because it could be literally anything, or does it stir excitement because it could be literally anything? In this world of chaos, it’s always better to know something than not. There’s so much confusion, why wouldn’t we want it to ease? Fear can be debilitating, but it doesn’t have to be; it can be a motivator, when we comprehend fear is based on the unknown. Once we realize some of the greatest things in life we have to figure out, but provide much bigger rewards than previously thought, we’ll see that what “we have nothing to fear but fear itself” really means, is that the unknown is a constant, but fear and ignorance aren’t if we open our eyes. Solutions come, when we allow ourselves to figure out the problem. Shedding light, allows us to truly see. Chaos becomes less so, when fear becomes a learning tool. The unknown may hold the worst things imaginable, but it may also hold the best, which we’ll never know if we don’t walk through.”

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube: @bryanradzin

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from the mind of critic: 1/11/19

From the mind of critic: “If national emergencies are powers reserved for a president when there’s great tragedy, what happens when that power is used for political purposes? Does it open a door where leaders can steal undue powers, just because they’re dipping in the polls and trying to distract from coming indictments? Does this not only concentrate their power, but set them up for a fascistically authoritarian future? Do fears of martial law come true, when political leaders do what they want regardless of what any constitution or bible says, let alone common decency and humanity? If one party backs a declaration because of perceived threats, what’s to stop the other party from doing the same when they get in power? Dictators, Fascists, Nationalists, Authoritarians and strong men always start their evilly narcissistic rise by taking away rights, declaring emergencies when there aren’t any, castigating all media, and painting opposition as the enemy who wants to destroy the country. How do we stop this before it metastasizes? We need to pay attention to signs, but we need to re engrave into our cortex what truth really is. I’m not speaking of political opinion, which has infinite sides. No, I’m speaking of the facts on the ground, and actual statistics we can use to form a strategic way forward, which assures mutually assured conscious evolution, not mutually assured destruction. A president can rail all day about an immigrant invasion, even if the truth is the opposite. Our next president could rail all day about guns and take them away, or about the environment and close all coal plants. If the goal is to simply take power away from the other guy, instead of empowering us all, then the founders were right, that the constitution will end in despotism, because the people will be unable to be governed by anything else. We have the power to overcome evil, but first we must kill it within ourselves. False emergencies, build false idols. Dictators don’t fall out of the sky, they’re born from our lack of humanity. A populace who continues to stand up will never be pushed down.”

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube: @bryanradzin

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