from the mind of critic: 1/12/19

From the mind of critic: “If to solve problems we’re supposed to shed light on darkness, does fear prevent us from seeing what’s amidst the darkness? Does illuminating what we can’t see stir fear, because it could be literally anything, or does it stir excitement because it could be literally anything? In this world of chaos, it’s always better to know something than not. There’s so much confusion, why wouldn’t we want it to ease? Fear can be debilitating, but it doesn’t have to be; it can be a motivator, when we comprehend fear is based on the unknown. Once we realize some of the greatest things in life we have to figure out, but provide much bigger rewards than previously thought, we’ll see that what “we have nothing to fear but fear itself” really means, is that the unknown is a constant, but fear and ignorance aren’t if we open our eyes. Solutions come, when we allow ourselves to figure out the problem. Shedding light, allows us to truly see. Chaos becomes less so, when fear becomes a learning tool. The unknown may hold the worst things imaginable, but it may also hold the best, which we’ll never know if we don’t walk through.”

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