from the mind of critic-1/31/17

From the mind of critic: “If giving preferential treatment to christians while barring muslims isn’t a religous test, If this isn’t a religous test but pits one religion against another but isn’t a terrorist recruiting tool, if this isn’t a terrorist recruting tool and doesnt stop the last 15 years of terrorists arriving from countries they actually came from, or terrorists in general from coming in at all because our current 18-24 month process is strict enough, that terrorists actually meant to do us harm wouldn’t go through that process because of how long their face would be out in the public eye, if we believe all that, are we living in an alternate reality? Do we believe these things are true, even if they aren’t backed up by any evidence? If facts don’t exist, maybe evidence, a free press and democracy doesn’t either? Did some of us vote for this tin pot dictator in training because we believe in the radical, conspiratorial and downright racist ideology of his white supremacist top advisor? Or did we vote for him because we never actually thought he would do this stuff once he got to office, because we never believe what a poltician says, and vote based on anything but the issues? I have been saying we’re in some crazy times, but that would be an understatement. We are in the early stages of a facist dictatorship, which always start with ejecting immigrants, and restricting them from coming in, whether they are citizens or not, all under the guise of keeping us safe from people who wanna take our stuff. We have seen many positive strides in the last few decades, but still need to make many, many more, which is becoming increasingly obvious everyday. All that positivity we have gained, is all now being undermined. If we still wanna live in america, in the reality that’s in front of our faces, where people are truly judged by the content of their character, and not by what they look like, what they believe or where they came from, then we must get off our ass and stand up. We must demand our rights, or they WILL be taken away. We must remember, freedom is NEVER free” 🙂