from the mind of critic-1/14/17

From the mind of critic: “If we honestly belive in liberty and justice for all, that all men are created equal and that we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, how come some of us only support it when it pertains to us? Do we see all the violence, crime, wars, unrest and downright chaos, and believe all we can do is protect ourselves and people like us, because everyone else is out to get us? Or do we atleast attempt to live the old adage of being the change we want to see, by understanding that if we want equality, liberty, justice and happiness for the nation as a whole, we have to start with every interaction we have, so the people we interact with will spread it to everyone they interact with and so on? As Americans we can be a very arrogant, narcisstic, self-centered, obnoxious and intolerant people. We can also be a very loving, caring, understanding, peaceful and accepting people. In the next year, and more likely the next six months all of that will be put to the test. Everything will be out in the open, all our darkest secrets and desires will be spread out on the table for the nation and the world to see. This could be the downfall of everything we thought we were as amercians, with every creepy, underhanded, hateful racist and radical coming out of the woodworks, because they see every department and cabinet position as finnaly supporting them. However, this could finnaly be the fulfillment of the great american experiment to be finnaly and fully realized like it has never been before, and bring out every loving, courageous and die-hard peacemaker to come out of the woodworks, because they finnaly see an opportunity to put down the overt darkness in every department and cabinet position. Do we all want to be free, or do we want none of us to be free? Those are our only choices” 🙂