from the mind of critic-12/31/16

From the mind of critic: “Are we on the eve, precipse, apex, peak and layed out plan for destruction, or is it something else? Are we on the eve, precipse, apex, peak and layed out plan for creation and rebuilding? Or are we about to be destroyed by what we created? We can all hope and pray that 2017 is better than 2016. We can hope that people are more human to each other, and step on each other’s necks a little less to get ahead. We can hope till the last breath leaves our body, but if we don’t take it the next step from hope to action, we will forever be waiting for Godot to suddenly appear to save the day. Trump is a scary notion as he tries to radically and dangerously remake the country. But he is not our biggest threat. Our biggest threat is the hate, ignorance, division, bigotry and nastiness that we allowed to fester, which made a Donald Trump administration possible. The great thing however, is that all these issues we have continously kicked down the road, are now slapping us in the face with their overtness. The opportunity to finnaly put down this ugliness is ours, we have the power to succeed. This knowledge should make us feel good, and less helpless. This is something that’s easy and not easy at the same time. This is a power struggle between the elites and the common person that has been raging for eons. We have the chance to take the upper hand in this battle, and show with courageously and exponentially high numbers, that we won’t sit idly by anymore, we will rise up and stop it. If we don’t utilize this golden moment, and allow our system to be radically changed to benefit even less of us, then we deserve whatever happens. Whether we’re on the eve of destruction or the eve of creation, it is our choice and it always has been” 🙂