from the mind of critic-12/22/16

From the mind of critic: “If we finally have a chance to let go of what doesn’t serve us and what hasn’t served us for eons, will we take it? Will the process of letting go get stifled, because the process of letting go involves recognizing each and every thing we wanna let go of, and it’s to much for us to take because it slaps us in the face, with every problem we’ve ever kicked down the road? Or will we roll with the punches because we realize we have to deal with uncomfortable things we don’t like, if we wanna get to a place that is comfortable and that we do like? Donald Trump becoming our 45th president was a surprsie to some, and not to others. This division does not fall on party lines, it falls on realists and fakists. Those of us who see what’s going on in front of our face without a partisan and pre-concieved lensens, and ethos of us who see through rose colored glasses. I’m not here to argue with people who think the world is 6000 years old, or those that think the 50s were great for everybody. No, I’m here to say we’ve made it pretty far in our evolution of race and class, but we’re only about halfway. Just because we have a black president, gay marriage and medical pot in half of our states, doesn’t mean problems have dissappeared. it just means those problems have evolved into a racist, bigoted and religous force (who fight tooth and nail against any positive change) have put Trump into office. Not all people who voted for him are racists and bigots, but you can’t tell me that they didn’t believe most of what he said, and what he promised. And if they did, they are being disproven ten fold before he even takes office, filling the swamp to capacity rather than draining it. The unconstitutional corruption that will permeate every nook and cranny of government in the next few years is a turning point for all of us. will we actually see what’s going on in front of our face, and act on that, or some blind and/ or dark partisan fantasy we’ve built up in our heads? Our bright or bleak future depends on it” 🙂