from the mind of critic-12/7/16

From the mind of critic: “If we can’t do what ten people tell us to do, do we end up remaining the same? Do we try to make a list of all that advice that comes in, delete the bad, keep the good, and move down the list, checking issues off as we go along? Or do we hear it all, try to take it all in, and instead of moving down the list doing things one at a time, we think of everything at once which causes our mind to spin out of control to the point where the only way to stop it, is to do nothing? Many of the people we come into contact with on a daily basis mean well, some don’t but most do. When they see our lives, thoughts, actions and plans they might have an idea of how to do it more effieciently, clearly and with less stress. Sometimes those methods are good, sometimes the people just think they’re good, or that they’re good for them. Sometimes the same methods are repeated by many people, which might make us take a closer look. We must always stay vigilant as to what we want, what we feel and what we would like to see. So when somebody gives us vague advice that doesn’t really help at all, we won’t lose ourselves amongst the fog of self doubt and sabotage. It can be very overwhelming when all these people are telling us to do all these things. Once we realize that it’s not so much about doing everything people say, but critically thinking about what they say, we’ll see that being honest with ourselves about who we are and what we want, allows us to keep what works for us, and stops us from spinning out of control. We can’t do what everybody says, and everybody can’t do everything we say, but if we listen, we’ll see where we hurt each other, and where we help. Because if we’re not here to help, what are we here for really?” 🙂