from the mind of critic-10/22/16

From the mind of critic: “If we’re lucky enough to have found our passion, and have discovered that this passion involves creating something that provides healthy escape filled with conscious thought, social justice and self-love rippling into colective love, do we shy away from using that same method of escape when somebody else creates it, because we believe that not escaping, but being present here and now is what allowed us to find our passion in the first place? Are we afraid we’ll lose all the ground we gained in our conscious evolution, because we’re giving into the very thing that drives us away from the authentic? Or are we ultra-conscious of our personal journey of discovery, and want to be present for every single beautiful moment of it? I’ve been asking myself these questions for a while, do I shy away from reading books, because I see them as an escape that pulls me away from the present, which is what helped me realize my passion for writing books in the first place, and gives me the positive energy to do so? Maybe it’s all part of a positive-negative balance we all must acheive. Maybe it’s part of the realization of who we are, who we would like to evolve into, and how to make that hapen. Maybe, just maybe it’s all a test to see if we’re finnaly ready to put our full energy toward our passion, so we can put in the full amount of effort required to succeed. Escape can be a healthy thing, as long we’re not using it to escape what brings us pure joy, but using it to refresh our mind, body and soul, so we’re ready to give our passion the full effort it deserves. Once we realize that passion and escape aren’t antithetical to each other but symbiotic, we’ll see how much farther ahead we can get if we allow our soul to feel joy” 🙂