From The Mind Of Critic-9/27/16

From the mind of critic: “If presidential debates are suppossed to help us determine who should be president, how are we suppossed to learn anything if they basically repeat the same thing they’ve been saying for months? Will their overused terms, statements and focused grouped phrases sound new to us, if we haven’t been paying attention before the debates? Is that the only way a rationally thinking person could think these actually are debates? Now, I realize that some people don’t watch sports until the playoffs, because they believe the games get better near the end of the season. Maybe some of us believe the debates are when things are getting really good, because we aren’t watching it to gather information, but as pure entertainment, because it’s the ultimate reality show, and people are always doing crazy, and unexpected things. Which explains exactly what’s wrong with our system. When the extremes of one side are so scared of the extremes from the other, that each sides best bet is to run Biff Tannon against a pre-corronated queen, the only next logical step is for the extremes to team up because they’re extreme, against everybody else who isn’t. Which is when stuff is really gonna go down. Debates will only be real debates, when candidates are fact-checked by the moderator as they speak; unless we want our system to devolve into a Jersey Shore marathon. And nobody wants that” 🙂