from the mind of critic: 6/2/19


From the mind of critic:            “If the answer to the proposition, “why be normal”, is “it ain’t any fun”, is being normal guaranteed to not be any fun? Do we forgo chances and struggles, so as to not upset the cozy rut we’ve concocted? Do we believe fun is for the weak, which means we must be the strongest human in the world, because we avoid fun by any means necessary? Do we know positively, the black and white, 100% completely objective definition of fun or normal? Do we believe we know “THE” answer, and all others are just pretending? Do others believe they know what time it is, specifically because we don’t? Definitions constantly fly around, for concepts considered hard to describe. It’s our job to decipher meaning, while realizing meaning can adapt, mutate and evolve along our journey; just as it can for all other journeys as well. We should all take time to have what we define as fun, it not only lightens our soul, but reminds us what’s important; which one of those important items is how all other humans are simultaneously doing the same. If we could spend more time understanding and applying that, instead of beating each other up for our so called “differences”, we could finally unite around our shared humanity, specifically because we finally understand it is shared. Why be “normal”, no the question is, why be “not normal?” That’s where all the fun and authenticity lay anyway, right?”

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