from the mind of critic: 3/31/19


From the mind of critic:                      “If we think no group of people believes monolithically, do we think a country does? Does everybody who lives within a country’s boundaries, believe the country should go in the same direction, while having the goal and values? If hating a government but loving a people, is a way we can all unite around greedy politicians taking everything they can, how come admitting there are some good ones, while admitting all others want to degrade, persecute and ethnically cleanse, isn’t considering hating a people? Does playing into old stereotypes actually solve the battle, skirmish or disagreement we’re getting so upset about, or does it cement everything further? Some solutions are easy but hard at. Appealing to another’s humanity, truly empathizing with the human need to protect the self and family, while acknowledging, tolerating and loving the fact that all humans are doing the same, would make great strides toward peace in a millennia long conflict. Come on Israel and Palestine, you have nothing to lose, and a humanistic future through truth accountability to gain.” 😊

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