from the mind of critic-3/24/19


From the mind of critic:          “Is there a way to avoid all the heartache, heartbreak, adversity, persecution, racism, hate, darkness and ugliness which confronts us, slaps us in the face, and knocks us down as we live out our lives as human beings, who try to make a living, take care of our families, have friends, be fulfilled, make a mark and be remembered? The short answer is no, the longer answer is hell no!!! If we can’t ignore it, how do we handle it, so we don’t allow its evil forces to penetrate the goodness that is our soul? We love ourselves by realizing it’s not easy to love ourselves, and if it’s not easy for us, we also realize it’s not easy for others either. Truly loving ourselves is egoless, because ego doesn’t involve love, it disguises ignorance as love. We love ourselves, by loving others, and vice versa. We help each other realize we really are the same when the fog burns off, and humanism, truth and accountability are all that remains, specifically because we all FINALLY understand what love really means, and not only is the key to our species collective survival, but also our positive and conscious evolution.” 😊

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