from the mind of critic-5/22/18

From the mind of critic: “If we have a long awaited and even longer needed vacation coming up, what do we do in the meantime to occupy our mind? Do we waste time by filling our days with brainless and useless actions, because we believe not thinking will help us not obsess about our trip? Do we kill time, where we not only utilize brainless actions, but we put extensive thought into making our actions as brainless as possible, believing it will speed the time till our trip? Do we spend time being kind to ourselves, and building up our energy so we give our trip the importance it deserves, which will motivate us to make sure isn’t our last? Waiting for something good we know is going to happen. isn’t the worst problem in the world. However, if we let time float by until the day we’ve been waiting for, we won’t be spending it in the most uplifting way possible, which brought us what we’ve been waiting for in the first place. Differentiating between spending, wasting and killing time might sound like semantics, but two are based on being conscious and close minded, with the other based on being consciously open minded. What will bring us more success? We have a more joyful and fulfilling life, if we stay open to the world’s beauty on a constant basis. Being conscious now, prevents us from having to wait till later. Remembering how we acheived goals, is what keeps us acheiving. We all deserve vacations, because we all need to recharge our batteries.” 🙂
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