from the mind of critic-10/20/17

From the mind of critic: “If rainbows are caused by dark storm clouds hitting sunlight, is new understanding acheived through honest conflict? If both sides authentically portray their side, while showing respect, understanding and humanity as the other side authentically portrays their position, is positive resolution guaranteed? If things can’t be guaranteed, but show a great chance of success because of conscious effort, is it the best we can hope for? Compromise isn’t a dirty word, and neither is liberal, conservative, republican or democrat. Labels are based on mis conceptions that attempt to alleviate misunderstanding. This misunderstanding is what can turn into something beautiful, if humanity, kindness and accountability are allowed to enter into honest conversation. Once we realize that success is never guaranteed, and all we can do is put ourselves in a place with better odds, we’ll see compromise isn’t a dirty word, and in fact is one of the most beautiful things, because it shows diametrically opposed sides humanely working together. Dark clouds and sunlight might be opposites, but rainbows show the beauty of unity.” 🙂