from the mind of critic-10/13/17

From the mind of critic: “If guns, god, gays and abortion divide us so much, do we realize it’s a learned behavior? Do we realize the gatekeepers want the population divided, because it’s easier for them to get away with whatever they want? Do we ever question why we feel the way we feel, or do we just go along because it’s the way it has always been? I’ve probably mentioned it before but it’s worth repeating, it all goes back to one of Obama’s most mis-characterized phrases. When the media quoted him saying they cling to their guns and their religion, they completely missed the context. He said they have been lied to and pushed around for so long, they don’t believe any politican anymore. So they cling to their guns and religion, because their emotions are the only thing they have left that hasn’t been taken from them. Once we realize that politicians playing to our emotions causes destruction, and them playing to our humanity causes evolution, we’ll see the only reason we’re being divided, is because the gatekeepers know the power of our unity, and they’re scared. Collective unity and humanity will always poke through the fog of poltiical division, no matter the thickness. We must always remember, united we stand, divided we fall.” 🙂