from the mind of critic-7/19/17

From the mind of critic: “If our mind is in an epic battle to balance what’s probable with what’s possible, how do we set acheiveable goals? Do we shoot for the moon, knowing that things become possible when we consciously journey forward? Do we stay reserved, kowing things are only probable when we start at the beginning and work forward, instead of at the end working backward? Do we stay balanced, because we know goals are only acheiveable when we don’t get in our own way? Some of us are more left brained, and some are more right brained. However, if we don’t use our whole brain, we’re not using our brain at all. If critical thinking demands we objectively look at what’s in front of us, then our desicions must be based on our heart and mind, not either or. Once we realize that to discover what’s probable we must first analyze what’s possible, we’ll see that looking at our options, includes expecting new information to appear suddenly, to which we must react. Researching and dreaming make us complete human beings. We acheive balance when probabilities and possibilities merge, revealing their symbiotic relationship with our heart and soul.” 🙂