from the mind of critic-6/3/17

From the mind of critic: “If polls show a majority of people support something, that the democratically elected leader of their country vehemnetly disagrees with, is it because the people who voted in polls, didn’t vote in elections? Do we all love complaining to anybody who will listen, but are too lazy to do anything about it? Or do we all want our egos stroked by people asking what we think, but don’t care if we’re heard when nobody is stroking our ego every 4 years on the first Tuesday in November, because we’re just checking a box? Many of us don’t see a point in voting, because we don’t think it matters. There are many countries around the world that have 70-80% of their populations vote, who in turn end up electing leaders who more often than not agree with what that elected leader says. If we in America voted at the 70 or 80% level instead of the 30% that we do, not only would leaders espouse policies more closely aligned with the majority, but many of the ingrained generational issues we can’t get past would be solved, because we’d be standing up on a consistent basis, instead of spewing our opinion to some ego stroker, thinking it’s gonna change something. We all have a right to complain whether we vote or not, that’s what makes us American. We just can’t expect our complaints to have any resolution, if we aren’t willing to follow up. Solutions require work, not simply complaining” 🙂