from the mind of critic-4/28/17

From the mind of critic: “If everything we need to know we learned in kindergarten, why do we need to learn anything now? Do these lessons represent the pillars of life, and striving past them represents how much they don’t matter once we leave them behind? Or are these pillars the very foundation of our character, and we don’t neccesarily discard them as we journey forward, but use them as the basis of our life experience as we metamorphisize into the humans we always thought we were? Lots of changes happen all around on a daily basis, something every generation in human existence has experienced with the generation that proceeded it. As our world shifts from the comfortable rut we we’ve just settled into, it can be scary to deal with things we’ve never had to before. Sometimes these are issues we’ve never seen, or issues we’ve ignored for so long, they appear new when they stand up to slap us in the face. When this happens, it’s important to remember the rudimentary make up of human interaction. What we learned in kindergarten, getting back to nature, however we describe it, it’s part and parcel of the same concept. Treating others like we’d like to be treated, rememebering to share, balancing work and play among many others, that if woven into our adult routines, would fix most of our issues that have become so ingrained, we’ve forgotten how basic and uncomplicated the solutions are. The less complication, and more love and understanding we utilize, the more beautiful life becomes. We are the people we’ve been waiting for” 🙂