from the mind of critic-4/25/17

From the mind of critic: “If we display a blank stare at different times of the day, is it always for the same reason? Do we stare off into the distance because we’re happy with how things are, and how much better things will get? Do we stare because we’re sad, and we can’t believe a tragedy has happened? Do we see what we’re staring at, or do we look past it? Do we not feel happy or sad but focused when we stare, because we’re developing the next creative idea to enlighten the world? Do we stare out of trauma that has happened to us or by us, because part of us has died? Do we realize that these deviating stares happen for all different reasons, even though they look practically identical? Or do we remain oblivious to the differentiality between stares, thinking there must be something wrong with the starer? All of us are unique snowflakes with unique experiences, brought on by unique environments and unique upbringings. If we can’t judge a book’s content’s by the cover, how can we judge a person that may be wearing a look we deem not appropriate or unwarranted? Once we realize that infinite stares can appear the same except for minutely suttle differences, only visible when a person’s character is known, we’ll see that until we truly know somebody which may not be possible to even know ourselves, that projecting our thoughts, fear, emotions and hate onto others is a fools errand, with us being the fool. Blank stares might appear blank, but are teeming with emotion, that we only see when we look deeper. We do ourselves a lot of good we don’t rely on life’s cliff notes” 🙂