from the mind of critic-3/14/17

From the mind of critic: “If hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn, what about a man’s scorn? What about a sister’s, brother’s, mother’s, father’s, son’s, daughter’s, uncle’s aunt’s, nephew’s, niece’s, friends, or lover’s scorn? What about an immigrant’s scorn, a senator’s, congressman’s, activist’s, christian’s, muslim’s, jew’s, union member’s or artist’s scorn? What about a president’s scorn, does hell hath no fury like a schoolyard bully and narcissistic con-artist, when he’s behind the bully pulpit? No matter our gender, family, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, culture or station in life, we all get mad. No matter what our label is, some of us do get madder than others, and some less because we’re people. No group believes monolithically, no matter how deeply inbedded stereotypes are. All movements and groups will have disagreements within them about action and level of militancy. Once we realize that when we generalize about a certain group, it’s because we see them as different,due to us having knowledge, not having it or not wanting it, we’ll see the more information we gain by asking questions, the more we’ll see the disagreements in other’s groups, are the same disagreements in ours. This is how what makes us different, actually makes us the same. Hell does hath a lot of fury, but not nearly as much as us when we’ve been take advantage of and been lied to repeatedly. Focusing our true collective fury, destroys the illusion of power” 🙂