from the mind of critic-3/8/17

From the mind of critic: “If there is a black history month, a women’s history month, a latino history month, and many more for every marginalized group, is it because we’re trying to make them feel better, because we’ve treated them so bad the rest of the year? Is it because we’re trying to give them representation? Is it because we think if they get a month, we don’t have to think about them the rest of the year? Or is it part of a long history of token responses, where instead of dealing with an issue in its entirety, we do the very bare minimum, and kick the can down the road for somebody else to deal with, when the same issue comes back to blow up in their face? Taxation without representation has been a concern since before Declaration of Independence, hell it was one of the main reasons we left England in the first place. When people don’t feel like they’re represented truthfully, theyreither roll over or they fight. Recognizing this, sometimes the powers that be offer small responses,that take minimal effort. Making them look good even though they could actually care less, because they see the political advantages that can be gained from satiating the public. While that satiation of the public isn’t close to good enough, and can actually be detrimental if it’s the only action taken, it can still be seen as going too far. The cries of how we should have a white histroy month and reverse racism, will be decried by those who don’t realize that every month is white history month, and reverse racism is a concept thought up by the same people that think they couldn’t possibpy be racist because of the amount of black friends they have. Once we realize that treating each other like human beings all year instead of at designated times, we’ll see we won’t need these monthly celebrations when the entirety of our history is taught, warts and all. We can stamp out racism with humanity everytime we wave at a stranger, simply because both of us are human. Token responses eject from our toolkit, once one and done is no longer a phrase we live by” 🙂