from the mind of critic-3/1/17

From the mind of critic: “If a bird glides along with the breeze, not needing to flap its wings as it lets itself be carried in whatever direction the wind blows, does its’ life become easier? Does the birds life become less stressful and more enoyable, because it doesn’t have to expend physical energy to get anywhere, or mental energy to even think of where to go, because another entity is so graciously expending it for them? Or does the bird’s life only appear more enjoyable but is actually more ignorant because their thinking has been outsorced to a puppetmaster, who pulls the strings to make the bird sing and dance to its benefit, instead of making the bird choose its own direction by utilizing the thoughts inherent to the bird’s survival? Critical thought and making our own desicions are not only what we were designed for, but it’s how we grow and evolve. We must be vigilantly corageous to stay conscious about what’s in front of us. If we allow ourselves to glide along in the wind, cedeing to whatever pushes us forward, the ignorance that will wash over us will give the aura of a stress-free life. The ones pulling the strings have a much more sinsister motive, to pacify the public so they don’t rise up, and put an end to not only the distractions, but all the things that distractions are meant to cover up. Do we want to be the bird that floats around without a care in the world? Or do we want to be the bird that charts their own course, because we realize there are things in life we do care about? Are bread and circuses all we’re after, or are we after something more? Are we human?” 🙂