from the mind of critic-10/25/16

From the mind of critic: “If searching for the truth reaches to the very essence of who we are, does the fact that we may never fully find it, because truth is subjective and can change from person to person, make us question our existence? Does authentically, passionately and consciously looking for what’s real set us up for failure, because we’re looking for something that is practically impossible to find, because truth changes depending on our perception? Or is it all just one big leap into the unknown, where the answers can change because they’re subjective, but since the unknown by definition is unknown, we keep moving forward because we realize we have always had the ability to surprise ourselves? When the world looks so phony because everybody seems to be getting away from what’s real, it’s not surpising that all of us are searching for truth, whether we wanna admit it or not, and I’m not talking just about voters during an election season. All of our truth searches might be for different things, but I’ll bet none of us can fully define what that is, and that fact, that we’re all consciously or unconsciously searching for something that we can’t fully define, should make us all realize that what drives us is basically the same. We’ll see that small and insignificant things that keep us apart, skews what the truth is. Maybe the object of our unique but similar searches for truth, has been right in front of us the whole time” 🙂