from the mind of critic-10/21/16

From the mind of critic: “Have we finnaly reached a point in our society where everything is breaking down, where common decency, common sense and logic have flown out the window, in favor of hate, ignorance, and unfounded arguments? Have the extremes gotten so extreme, that all the people that aren’t polar opposites, but sandwiched in the middle, are seen as the extremists because they aren’t extreme? Or is everything so raw right now because of major change, that some people retreat to their ignorance to protect themselves, some prosletyze that their way is the best, while the rest use the opportunity as a learning experience, so the change can be positive, conscious and will benefit everybody? Whatever side we’re on, or whatever we belive or don’t belive in, we could all agree major change is afoot. Our society is changing as it does every generation, but we seem to be all feeling it more now. We all have different coping skills, and deal with change differently. However, once we realize that we can never do better until all of us do better, we’ll see that lifting others up instead of tearing them down, is the only real way to build ourselves up. Some of us fear change, and some of us wlecome it. We’ll see that the more rights, freedoms and kindness we show people, the more we’ll realize they’re more like us. The more we realize that, we’ll see that when we tear somebody else down, we’re really tearing ourselves down. We have a chance to usher in the next positive and conscious step in our collective evolution. No matter what, that evolutionary step will happen. The only question is, will it happen in spite of us, or because of us?” 🙂