from the mind of a critic: 6/4/19


From the mind of critic:        “If life for all intensive purposes is defined as unfair, how come it seems perfectly fair for some? Are results skewed, so as to paint a picture of supreme injustice on one side, and complete wealth dominated power, that seeks to destroy all detractors, even if said detractors are only seen as such, because of overt racist, and bigoted cultural undertones, overtones, and downright ugliness, darkness, violence, persecution, hate and dehumanization on the other? Do we feed into the rhetoric that holds down one group of people, in favor of another? Do we truly understand what it’s like to walk in somebody else’s shoes, or do we keep them at arm’s length, so ignorance turns into fear, which morphs into hate, which evolves into violence? We can make fairness a principle, of course we CAN do anything, as evidenced by all the negativity and darkness permeating our every pore. One thing is for sure, we can always adjust our perceptions, to see not only how our misguided and despicable thoughts and actions have had influence over our current collective predicament, but also how looking in the mirror, can show us how all the inciting vitriol we’re been projecting, is really meant for ourselves, because we really really really hate what we see. We simply need to start loving what we see, by doing only what builds us up, not what tears us down, which we discover is forever linked, and guides our thoughts and actions toward our fellow humans. Go ahead, choose love and gratitude, watch how fast things improve. Like the wise philosophers Led Zeppelin once said, there are two paths to go but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road we’re on.”

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