from the mind of critic: 3-30-19


From the mind of critic:            “If we’ve ever asked ourselves why the caged bird sings, have we ever asked why the uncaged bird doesn’t? Do we not wonder why when somebody has freedom of movement and choice, they decide not to let their spirit shine, because neither do we? Is this because we don’t believe in ourselves enough to let our true voice and thoughts flow, because our freedoms have allowed self-sabotage to control us? Do we have to be in a cage, to finally let go of the self-hate, in favor of bright, loving and prophetic fire that always has and always will burn within our soul, no matter how long we’ve ignored it? The long answer is no, the real long answer is fuck no. If we follow our heart, love our fellow humans as ourselves, and let humanism, truth and accountability drive our actions, we won’t have to be locked din a cage to allow our soul to sing, because it will be just something we do naturally.” 😊

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