from the mind of critic-1/16/18

From the mind of critic: “If cleanliness is next to godliness, is godliness next to cleanliness? Do we believe cleaning our house makes god happy, convincing him/her that we’re meeting expectations? Do we believe god doesn’t care if our house is dirty or clean, just that it’s a welcoming, loving and uplifting environment? Do we link cleanliness to our homes, or to our souls? I may not be a very religous person, but if somebody wants to use their religion to better themselves, their community, country and world, I’m all for it. What I’m not okay with is people using religion to control and persecute, under the guise of god’s love. A wolf can hide in sheeps clothing made of diabolical darkness, disguised as unending splendor. Godliness comes in many forms, all of which make up a loving soul. True cleanliness is acheived when we take that loving soul and love others. We don’t convince god we’re a better person, we just be a better person, now. In the end words don’t mean anything, unless they lead to loving, uplifting actions.” 🙂