from the mind of critic-12/2/16

From the mind of critic: “If we demand respect, humanism, accountability and transparency of our elected officials, but then fail to live up to those ideals ourselves, how can we expect things to get any better? If we expect all the change to come from the outside instead of from the inside, are we like a dog chasing it’s tail? Are we lazy, and think that if change is made or enacted by somebody else, than we dont have to change ourselves because their change covers us all? Or are we simply looking for the right example to drive us down the correct path meant for us, and just need help getting a jump start? Most of us have heard the old quote from Ghandi, that we have to be the change we wanna see. If the world seems dark, where around every corner pops out something terible and despicable, it can seem like there is no positivity or humanity left, and ego and narcisism have taken control. This is when it’s most important for us to be a good person, filling ourselves with love, beauty and kindness, and spreading it to everybody we come into contact with. This can be difficult if we’ve never done it before. But the more we do it, it turns from something that’s abnormal and weird, into just something we do. At any time during this trial and error period we see some people who guide us, and some who try to steer us off track. We must surround ourselves with people who build us up, when we do, we see all the outcroppings of what it can create. As long as we demand respect, humanism, accountability and transparency of ourselves, the people we elect will reflect what and who we actually are, instead of a false picture of what we think we are” 🙂