from the mind of critic-10/18/16

From the mind of critic: “If the secret to a fulfilling life is finding purpose, will we automatically know it when the opportunity arises? Will it smack us in the head like a 2×4, describing in the plainest, black and white language it can, that it’s the answer to our dreams? Or is it something that will sneak in like a whispering wind, where we have to be 100% completely open and conscious to even get a glimpse, let alone to take advantage? We all should breathe a little easier knowing that all of us are searching for purpose, all discovering, decyphering and decoding as we journey. We aren’t alone, we’re just at different points in our similarly unique and unknown expeditions. Great things might happen all at once, and good things might take time, but if we aren’t open to the universe, and aren’t willing to put in the effort when more work is required, we wont be able to get, let alone accept good or great things. And if we can’t accept good or great things, we certainly won’t be ready to accept our purpose when it comes along, whether it’s obvious, or takes a little work to fully define. Nobody can tell us what our purpose is, because it touches the deepest part of our soul. There are many secrets to life, chief among them is feeling like we count, feeling like we matter. Finding purpose can be easy, or it can be the hardest thing we’ve ever done. The reward however is guaranteed to provide us positive energy beyond our wildest dreams” 🙂